Saturday, January 24, 2015

Sarah Ricard

Not A Parent, Time, But Apparent Time 

We must love by halves when it comes to you, Time.
If we are embracing optimistic thoughts for the future,
we must renounce, however temporarily,
whatever's been wasted in the past, so as to concentrate
on a mad, happy dash
 to the light at the end of the tunnel.
"Since the beginning of time..." people say.
Who was there to celebrate your birth, Time?
I think you must have been born and then
had the universe's first existential crisis.
Do you fly when we're having fun just to taunt us?
And make it drag when we're not content
just to be sadistic?
Is Time still Time when it stands still?
As the centuries pass by,
do you smile upon some faces, and love them?
Are they the ones whose wounds you heal?
But no.
We are the ones in action.
You do nothing except get the last laugh, in the end.
...Don't you?

{Sarah Ricard,}

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Are these your blogs or from the person's named at the heading? Or are you just blogging poems that you have read that stand out to you? Just curious.