Thursday, February 11, 2010

Danielle Clark-Williams

Albert De'Salvo

Any other person would have walked away,
But I admire your body, helpless and fragile.
You don't mind, do you? NO, of course you don't.
I've always noticed your eyes are at their

Best when you're scared-they're fuller,
more vibrant. I blocked out your screams
and cries for help; no one came to help me
when I was suffering, or when I asked for pity.

Self-inflicted, loved-deprived, I confess.
Holding it in only intensifies my hunger to hurt.
The more you resist, the more excited I got.
Twisted thoughts full my head.

Knowing I've imprinted fear in you seems
to make this gathering worthwhile. But as
I watch you take your last breath,
I must confess.

{Poem by Danielle Clark-Williams}

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