Tuesday, December 2, 2008

One Piece by Julien Edmund Moss

Hanging Garden Flower

Ah! he is not a common man
Who turns to a flowerless tree.

Many leaves reside within her garden
Many leaves, indeed; many
Across the breeze the gray river
Golden Bridge, and lady’s laughing fancies
Many leaves, many slender: many
All possessed a smothered envy

Sweet but for the flower…
With its boisterous oranges, yellows, and indigos
The blossom standing neatly in the sun
Who would blame the keeper for a peak while on a run
A cricket lands gently upon his fishing line
Now, the blue moon watches soundly

Snow white-capped mountains shift restlessly behind
Their glimpse will come surely
The willows sing what the wind ordains
While the pond’s low notes support in harmony
Her fringes sway askance within the wind
A late afternoon nap tucked between the folds

The blue plums taste so good this evening
The color of your eyes tantalize- I am mesmerized!
What if the moon saw your face?
Knowing distance wide your beautiful name
The swirling eddies only enhance the aura at once
And once again once I saw you again once

Apricot boughs and ferns seem as nothing
The now-cloudy skies are ever wanting
I could sit here and think and want the more
I that was once so dandy and sprightly
Lie jealous of the folds and forays
Of the lady’s Hanging Garden Flower

{Poem by Julien Edmund Moss}

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