Saturday, April 30, 2011

Bobbi Sinha-Morey

The Scent Of Love

On a day when the sun
flowered above I breathed
my soul back into me and
a roseate dream beckoned
me. The scent of love
brought me the sun's
warmth even nearer.
Today I will look in front
of me when before I
looked back at where
I'd been. It's a blessing
God's light shines in my
home, and every day
I live in the present.
I leave my heart ajar
for heaven's glow.

Rhapsody Of Shadows

Tonight's lazy rhapsody
of shadows have lit upon
my block and now I am
no longer afraid to let
you see where I live.
You'll never see a flower
grow in my backyard or
by the sidewalk, but the
fine under bone of hope
is inside my home and
the tangled evening
sunlight dances in the
street. Now I've nothing
more to hide for love
heals from the inside.
Memories of living
alone are pages of
dust blown away by
a silent wind and,
on the golden edge
of my sleep, my heart
hums a song now
that you are near.

{Poetry by Bobbie Sinha-Morey}

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