Tuesday, June 16, 2009

One Poem by Anne Rucchetto


Can you hear it?
It’s the rushing of your
dreams crushing exactly
where they were first conceived.
In the swarming torrent of ambition
came nagging pessimistic ammunition.
You evened out the score so much more than it was
ever meant to be.
Don’t blame me, love.
It was never my idea.
You mistook what hooked you
from the start and were sucked into
a storm of shallow sequences.
Now your heart is lying on the dining room table,
overcooked. Now no one wants it.
It smells like defeat and is rotting
into meaningless discourse.
Remove it, waiter!
Is that a frown I see? Trust me,
You’ll get nowhere with a scowl.
That’s how all this trouble first started,
Isn’t it?

{Poem by Anne Rucchetto}

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