Wednesday, September 23, 2009

One Poem by Vandye Forrester

We Danced Until Dawn, You and I

We danced until dawn, you and I

The violins sang their midnight song
And to their cry we kissed and the new year surrounded
Us as we danced pressed to each other's breasts

The wine shimmering in the candlelight reflected your
Eyes. Never more lovely have been your form and face

We danced until dawn, you and I

Later as we lay side by side,
I tried

To imagine what life without you will be
I tried but the feel of you and your smell
And your taste

All came back haunting my memory

I reached out for you
One last touch. One last touch to remember

We danced until dawn you and I

I will remember the violins and their song

I will remember your kiss

I will remember your body and your touch and your mouth

I will remember the night we danced until dawn.

Happy New Year my smoothness

{Poem by Vandye Forrester}

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