Monday, August 24, 2009

One Piece by Sharon Anderson

Dance Of The Willows

Lithe ballerinas rhythmically sway
Orchestrated by a gentle breeze
Nature's Isadoras
Fluid, unbound, free

With a rush of wind
These master choreographers
Whirl with the passion of
Bolero's haunting tempo

The finale...
Spent dancers
Lanquid and still.

{Poem by Sharon Anderson}

One Piece by Brandon Parr


Sit back, relax, and breathe in the air
And soon we will fix the gray of your hair
Oh, by the way, it’s not air that you breathe
But toxic gases that might make you dream

The marks on the parts which are saggy and old
Will fade to oblivion, like scars on a soul
Oh, of course they won’t, so you’ll have to pretend
And then be aggressive, and then you’ll defend

The reason you butchered your quite lovely face
You paid me your soul, so I could deface
What Providence makes, and can’t be replaced
It sickens me deeply, and yet you complain

That nothing is ever enough

I stretch the skin on the cap of your skull
Over the skin you’d like to be culled
And suture the thread to hold in a smile
The beautiful mouth which now will revile

And though you don’t know it, I’ll now break your nose
And shave off the parts that make you look old
And old you are, and okay that is
But nightmares of past, you choose to relive

Why do you seek the beauty of flesh?
And why do you care what others confess?
Is a slight of the soul, a blemish of heart?
And now I will finish what you chose to start

But nothing is ever enough

Now is the time you’ll wake from your dream
And look at the stitches, the staples, and seams
You’ll wish you were dead from the pain you’ll be in
You’ll scoff at the bruises, and then you’ll give in

And swallow the pills that push the pain down
And maybe you’ll rip out the stitches and frown
On what you have done, what I helped you do
To mangle your body and then you’ll file suit

You’ll take me to court, you’ll hire a lawyer
Your husband complains and makes you feel smaller
Your husband will jest to pump up your chest
And you are convinced he deserves the best

And nothing is ever enough

{Poem by Brandon Parr}

One Poem by James Webb Wilson

Night Sits on the Porch

Night envelops the countryside
Softly squeezing out all colors,
Rounding off the corners of day
Rolling out the darker shadows
Across the Midwest plain .

Night settles in, condensing the darkness
`The solid obsidian mass
Streaked with distant starlight
And an occasional borealis.

Night sits out on the porch
Swinging gently from dusk to dawn
Bringing our senior memories closer
To sit and rest in our laps
As we keep a vigil in the eye of night.

Night closes the nocturnal drapes
Squashing any of our sour grapes
And lets the sweeter wine seep
While we are awake, but others sleep.
Night casts free spirits in the dark
To comfort the squirrels in the park.

{Poem by James Webb Wilson}

One Poem by Josh Rauch


99 teardrops fall
Each one stains my face and hands
Clothes suffer one in the same

Deeper and deeper I feel lonely
I only know what is happening
Each beat in my heart is pain

99 teardrops drip
Each one never fails to seep
Blurs and reddens my eyes

Stings my soul slowly
Each drop flickers a piece of heart
I feel weak and forgotten

99 teardrops fall
But the final one won’t
To shed this tear would be hopeless

{Poem by Josh Rauch}

Two Pieces by Ron Koppelberger

Shadowy Flight

Attained in chance and sanction, ravaged by
Rare satisfactions of backward trespass and
Entrance, precise, given in blows
Of distant walnut noise, cracking
In savory delight and shadowy flight.
A twilight nod, uneasy and in
Lilly-white amaranths
Of stone.

Midnight Sure

The design of suffering drama and
Feasting silence,
A shadow in substance and discovery, the sanctified prairie
Tumble fulfilled by the shy ancient
Allay of what’s taken in close comfort and upon
The mantle of affair, brilliance and etched crystal
Beauty, the miracle in midnight sure.

{Poems by Ron Koppelberger}